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Bad day? 5 ways to turn around a bad day

5 ways to turn around a bad day

Hi there DIMES !! For this post, I am sharing my top 5 ways to turn around a bad day on youtube.

Ahhh so, I posted my first youtube video!! I am super excited to share it with you guys. If you want to jump straight to it, then scroll to the bottom of this post and you can watch!


It is no secret that we all have a bad day every once and a while ( but for some of us it’s more often). If something goes wrong or you have a negative encounter, as a result, it may bring down your mood. Well, STOP RIGHT THERE – if you do just 1 of these 5 things I swear things will look up for you. 🙂


Here are 5 ways to turn around a bad day –

  1. Turn on some positive music: Listening to music can seriously change your mood! I made a playlist of my favorite positive jams on Spotify, so check it out – You Go Girl Spotify Playlist
  2. Do some sort of physical activity: Any exercise you can do will enhance your mood I promise! Some ideas are to go for a walk, hit the gym, or go to a workout class. Working out can also improve your confidence! Check out my advice column post on Body Confidence.
  3. Hang out with an animal: Being around an animal can really put a smile on a person’s face. Personally, I’m obsessed with dogs, but any animal works!
  4. Meditate and relax: Calming down your mind and body can help you to balance your emotions.
  5. Clean: Any type of cleaning, organizing, or tidying up can help you feel like you have control over your life again.


♡ I hope you guys like this video and I hope it puts a smile on that beautiful face !!
xoxo DD

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