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5 Tips for Starting the New Year Right

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Hey DIMES! So, it’s 2018 & I’m determined for it to be a good new year. That said, here are my top 5 tips for starting the new year right.


5 Tips for Starting the New Year Right:

1. Establish your goals for the year.

First off, write down a few of your goals for the year. Then, brainstorm some steps you could take towards achieving them.


Don’t set goals that you won’t be able to accomplish. That’s just setting yourself up for failure. You know yourself better than anyone, so set some practical goals. Now get going!


new year goals

2. Get more sleep.

Getting enough quality sleep affects your mental and physical health.

*Some tips for getting a good night sleep:

  • Stick to a sleep schedule/routine. QUICK TIP: If your sleep schedule is super off, try taking Melatonin an hour before the time you want to go to sleep for 3 consecutive days. As a result, your body’s natural clock should be more consistent.
  • Stop drinking caffeinated drinks after 2:00 pm.
  • Block out as much light as possible when you’re trying to sleep.
  • If you have an iPhone, then use the Night Shift setting. It will automatically change the colors on your screen to the warmer end of the color spectrum during the hours your set. Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift > Scheduled > And lastly, set the times you want. I have mine set from 10:30 PM to 8:00 AM.
  • Set an alarm for the morning even if you don’t have anything to do in the morning.


get more sleep in the new year

3. Practice mindful eating habits.

Mindful eating means paying attention. It helps you stay in tune to your body, but keep in mind that it takes practice and time to get the hang of.

*Pay attention to:

  • The effects food has on your physical health as well as your emotions/feelings. Notice how you are feeling after you eat something, especially if you are feeling any negative effects. Keep track of these feelings to see if you can notice any patterns. Then, try cutting out the foods that are repeatedly making you feel bad and see if this helps.
  • When you feel full – stop eating.
  • Your eating pace – eat slower. Take time to enjoy and savor the flavors, textures and smells of the food you’re eating.
  • What you are putting in your body & where it came from. Do your research!
  • If you are actually hungry or if you are eating out of boredom, stress, emotions, etc.


mindful eating for a new year

4. Drink more water.

I’m really bad at this one, so I’m gonna let someone else do the talking here. I found this Pinterest graphic that’s very helpful & informative: Dehydration is Making you Sick and Fat


drink more water this new year

5. Take more time for yourself.

Seems like our lives are so crazy busy these days. This makes it hard for us to remember to slow down & step back.

But, trust me, it’s important.

When you over do it, your body will show signs that you need to slow down. To avoid getting sick or having a major mental breakdown, try adding some me-time into your schedule!

*Some ideas for me-time:

  • Light some candles & take a long, hot bath. Throw in a Fizzy Bath Bomb if you’re feeling it!
  • Read a book or magazine – rather than indulging in other medias.
  • Go for a walk alone.
  • Get your hair blown out.
  • Get a mani-pedi.
  • Meditate or do yoga.
  • Take a nap, but make sure it’s short and sweet otherwise you may feel groggy afterwards!
  • Lather up your body with some tanning oil & lay in the sun for a bit.


new year new me time


What are some other ideas for starting the new year right? Share your tips in the comments below!


Wishing you all the best in 2018!

xoxo DD

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