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Gluten-Free Sugar Cookies with Homemade Strawberry Icing

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sugar cookies strawberry icing

Happy almost Valentines day DIMES!! So, I must admit to you all that I have a major sweet tooth. It should come as no surprise then that I love a good cookie and let me tell ya, these are good cookies. These gluten-free sugar cookies with homemade strawberry icing surely satisfy that sweet tooth!


Just a quick side note, since I’m allergic to gluten, I baked gluten-free sugar cookies, but you obviously don’t have to use gluten-free mix! You could totally substitute with regular sugar cookie mix!


That said, I’ve tried so many different brands of gluten-free products and the Immaculate Baking Gluten Free Cookie Mix Sugar that I’m using in this recipe is the winner by a LONG RUN!

You wouldn’t even be able to tell that they were gluten-free. That’s how delicious they are!


You’ll fall in LOVE <3 ’tis the season ladies and gents!



strawberry icing


Now let’s get down to it.

As I said before, I used a store-bought mix for the sugar cookies. You’re welcome to go crazy and sub that out for some homemade shit, but I don’t have the time to figure that out (or the patience).


I used the best of the best! (aka my favorite gluten-free cookie mix/brand) Immaculate Baking Gluten Free Cookie Mix Sugar .

The cookies come out so soft and chewy unlink any other gluten-free product I’ve tried!  But best of all, they’re super easy to make.


gluten-free sugar cookie mix




♥ For The Cookies:

♥ For The Icing:

  • 4 cups of powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup of diced up strawberries
  • 1 stick of butter, at room temp


  1. Bake the cookies and let them cool while you make the icing.
  2. Put the stick of butter in a large electric mixing bowl and beat until smooth.
  3. Add the powdered sugar and strawberries into the bowl and beat until creamy and well mixed.
  4. Finally, frost your cookies baby!

If you let the cookies sit while the icing hardens a bit and they taste JUST like those fake-ass cookies you buy at the grocery store – you know the ones!


gluten-free sugar cookies homemade strawberry icing



Enjoy your cookies and enjoy your Valentines Day! <3

Much love to all dimes on this lovely day!


xoxo DD




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