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Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone Advice

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My best advice on getting out of your comfort zone.

“Hi Blair, love the blog and you! I have so many things I want to do with my life, but I’m an introvert and I’m having trouble getting out of my comfort zone. Do you have any tips or advice for me?”


Hi ! First off, I wanna say thank you for your kind words, you’re so sweet!


Now, as for getting out of your comfort zone, there’s no easy trick to doing so. No life hack or shortcut. As much as I wish there was some secret formula, there’s not. And that’s because it’s an acquired attitude that’s rooted in your self confidence.


It is a hard thing to do and you really just have to take it step by step and day by day.

Focus on accomplishing one thing at a time. Once you do that one thing, your confidence will be boosted and it will make the next steps a little less scary!


It’s a great sign that you have already recognized the benefit of getting out of your comfort zone. A lot of people don’t even get to that point on their own, so go you!!


how to get out of your comfort zone


You mentioned that you are an introvert, and it’s good that you recognize that about yourself, but make sure you understand that being an introvert is NOT a bad thing!

It is simply just a part of who you are. Introverts just tend to enjoy spending more time alone and need a break from big groups or social situations.


If you feel that your introversion is holding you back from achieving your goals, then my best advice is to dig deeper into the source of this. Maybe you could start writing in a journal and begin exploring yourself more.

Do this when you fear getting out of your comfort zone:

Finally, ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?”. I ask myself this question a lot and it helps.

More often than not, the “worst” possible outcome isn’t all that bad. This makes it easier for me to overcome my fears because I realize that if it doesn’t work out that everything will be okay – I will still live to see another day.


getting out of your comfort zone



  • There is no secret formula to getting out of your comfort zone
  • Building up your self confidence is the first step
  • Being an introvert is not a bad thing, but this personality trait may make it harder for you to step out of your comfort zone
  • Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?”


Good luck with your future endeavors, and I hope this helps at least a little bit!

xoxo DD

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