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Stop Pressuring People to be Productive Right Now

Hi Dimes! Is it just me or do you feel like people are putting pressure on you to be ultra-productive right now? Have you seen posts on social media recently about getting shit done while we have more time at home? Well, I certainly feel like that, and I know many other people who do as well. Frankly, I think it’s bullshit, and I’m here to tell you to stop pressuring people to be productive right now!


Everywhere I look, I see people pushing me to take advantage of this time at home. I see people pressuring me to start up a new hobby, bake some bread, clean my house, discover a new way to exercise, write a book, or launch that website. Whatever it is that you’ve been putting off doing for years – people are urging you to do it now. Whatever it is that sets off your shame spiral or triggers the ‘comparison Connie’ in you – I’m sure there’s someone out there trying to get you to do it.


This attitude is merely a subconscious distraction from feelings of uncertainty and loss of control. But, you’re not alone – we are feeling this way globally. The CDC states “the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fear and isolation that often come with it, can be overwhelming to adults and children. You may worry about your health or financial situation, and may experience changes in sleep or eating patterns, worsening of health problems, including mental health problems, or increased substance use.” They recognize the adverse impacts of a global pandemic and so should you!

Due to increased comparison, this leads to feelings of guilt and remorse. Ironically, the desire to be productive may end up having the complete opposite effect; a dissatisfied, anxious, and shame-filled culture.


That is to say, that if you are the type of person that honestly enjoys being extra productive – then good on you! I’m jealous. But, this post is for those who feel these outside pressures and are only being extra productive because they feel like they have to.

I am no stranger to the feeling, trust me. When I see people all over social media doing incredible stuff with their time at home, I feel like shit. It makes me feel like I need to be doing more; that I’m not doing enough. Then, I will overdo it and accidentally neglect basic care and needs. This is not healthy – duh.


Now, I’m not saying that we should become hermits and fall into some sort of a sedentary lifestyle. But, we do need to understand how this pandemic affects our mental health. Author Elizabeth Gilbert Ph.D., J.D., addresses this same issue in the article “Working from Home? Put Your Well-Being First.”. Gilbert discusses the stress that working remotely brings and emphasizes that “…you must take care of your health—both physical and mental—to be productive.”

I’ll say it again, please stop pressuring people to be productive right now! We are all dealing with the many life changes this pandemic has brought upon us, and we need to give ourselves a freaking break.

If you feel stressed out and need some tips on how to manage your anxiety and fears during this time, check out the CDC’s article on this – there’s some great stuff here for anyone who wants to improve their wellbeing – pandemic or not!

I’ve been thinking about all this for some time now and I decided to get my thoughts and feelings down with a blog post.

Please feel free to comment below and let me know how you feel about it! I would love some feedback or other perspectives.

Talk soon!

xoxo DD

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