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List of Fun Things to do at Home In Self Quarantine

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Hey Dimes! While it’s extremely important to stay at home right now to protect both ourselves and others, that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time! In my last post, Stop Pressuring People to be Productive Right Now, I talked about the importance of doing things right now that aren’t steered towards building your resume or advancing your career. So, in the spirit of doing things for the sake of enjoying your life – here’s a list of fun things to do at home that can help pass the time. Enjoy! ❤︎

Fun Things to do at Home

Get Creative:

  • Follow along with a makeup tutorial on youtube and master your next look. Check out My Everyday Makeup Tutorial for a simple look that’s perfect for day-to-day wear!
  • Do a puzzle. Doing a puzzle is such a calming activity that you can do over a period of a couple of days (or if you’re crazy like me, knock it out in one sitting!)
  • Browse Pinterest for creative ideas. If you need a good place to start, check out my DIY Projects board or look through my previous DIY blog posts
  • Journal. I’m a big proponent of writing down your feelings. I have about 736,0280 journals all with different purposes such as bullet journaling, sketching, writing my thoughts, to-do list journals, and more.

Connect with others:

  • Write someone a letter. I recently wrote a letter to my grandma who lives in Texas. I also sent her a puzzle that I had already finished and thought she might like to do. It made her day (and mine) to connect with extended family that I don’t get to see that often. Plus, I love any excuse to put pen to paper.
  • FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, or just call your mom, grandma, or another family member. Trust me, it will make their day to hear from you! Just do a quick little check-in on them and let them know how you’re doing during this time – maybe they will even give you some ideas for what you can do to pass the time!

Kick Back & Relax:

  • Discover new music. Music has a huge effect on your mental state. Get lost in a new genre or listen to your favorite artists’ old music – you might find some hidden bangers. Personally, reggae music always puts me in a good mood. Follow me on Spotify ~ I’ve got some SOLID playlists. 🎶
  • At-home spa night. Put on your favorite face mask, light a candle, put on some mellow music, and get cozy in a bathrobe.
  • Movie marathon! Kick back on the couch and watch one of the classic series like Harry Potter.
  • Read a book. This is an obvious one that is often forgotten since there are so many electronic distractions now. I’m currently reading “The Laws of Human Nature” by Robert Greene and I’m loving it! It’s all about why we do things we do. He is such a great storyteller and he uses these fascinating stories to exemplify the different laws he addresses. If you’re interested in learning why you and other humans act certain ways or how to recognize these emotional triggers in order to be self-aware enough to control your urges, then I recommend checking it out!
  • Go down the Youtube rabbit hole. Just scroll through without judging and see what catches your eye.
  • Listen to some podcasts. Check out my post here about some of my favorite podcasts! They’re a great way to pass time without having to stare into a screen filled with those nasty blue lights.
  • Give yourself a mani-pedi. It’s both relaxing and you feel better when you have a little pop of color on your nails.

Fun / Silly:

  • Sing or do karaoke. Now, this may sound silly, but don’t knock it till you try it! It’s extremely cathartic to belt out the lyrics to your favorite Taylor Swift song or attempt to rap some Lil Wayne bangers.
  • Dance like no one’s watching (because no one is watching). Put on a fun playlist (like this one) and bust a move with no regard for how ridiculous you look. Trust me, it’s more fun than it sounds and it’s a great way to get your body moving.

What have you been up to recently?

Self-isolation and social distancing isn’t the most enjoyable thing in the world, but let’s make the best of it. We’re all going through a lot of shit and this is a time like no other. Give yourself and others a freaking break.

And please for the love of God, stop shaming people for not being constantly productive during this time.

What are some other fun things to do at home? Let me know in the comments below what you’ve been up to!

♡ Stay safe and wear a mask. ♡

xoxo DD

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